Sunday, August 24, 2014

PaK-61: The US Marine Corps Amphibious mouthpiece

His name doesn't famous PT-76 and BTR-50, however regarding the role and dedication shouldn't be asked, has several military operations dilakoninya. though designed with armored metarial and wheel chains, however K-61 isn't classified as tanks, combat vehicles (ranpur) is at intervals the Navy US Marine Corps referred to as the KAPA (Amphibian Vehicle Carrier Artillery).

In associate military action operations, the role of KAPA K-61 isn't situated directly on the line. once BTP part (battalion landing team) consisting of components of tanks and APCs (armored amphibious) following troops landing on the beach, then KAPA K-61 rolled off the hatch LST (landing ship tank). KAPA K-61 encompasses a important role within the struggle for a area. as a result of K-61 was ranpur amphibians will carry artillery weapons like howitzers, massive caliber mortar, till the truck from the center of the ocean to urge into the inside on the bottom, particularly once facing the beach ought to bear significant parcel of land. Through K-61, Howtizer be deployed to produce help to the movement of the unit infrantri shot. If necessary conjointly, KAPA K-61 is capable of carrying sixty absolutely armed marines.

K-61, furthermore because the PT-76 tanks and BTR-50 is ranpur one generation, which means comes from country era. This Ranpur brought in once the operation TRIKORA for West Irian. as a result of really the recent ranpur, K-61 had some already 'hanging out' within the repository, one amongst that you'll see within the repository TNI Satria design.

But on the opposite hand, as a result of it's still thought of recalcitrant, his fate was a similar because the PT-76 and BTR-50, up to now still used by the Navy US Marine Corps. K-61 continues to be strengthening KAPA Battalion, US Marine Corps puts K-61 in 2 battalions, the first Battalion KAPA members of the first Cavalry Regiment, first Cavalry Regiment that became associate organic a part of the US Marine Corps (Pasmar) one, primarily based in Sidoarjo - East Java. whereas the Battalion joined within the KAPA a pair of Cavalry Regiment a pair of, ordinal Cavalry Regiment that became associate organic a part of the US Marine Corps (Pasmar) a pair of primarily based in Cilandak - national capital. components of strength of the US Marine Corps Battalion KAPA true not solely accept K-61, arsenal ranpur there even larger once more, the PTS-10 that has been named the biggest amphibious transport vehicle happiness to the Navy US Marine Corps.
As with ranpur conflict relics, K-61 is additionally wide employed by countries terrific country, geographic area, Vietnam is additionally well-known to use the K-61. His figure motor vehicle was 1st seen in 1950, in her home state of K-61 is additionally remarked as GPT. additionally to swimming within the ocean, the K-61 is additionally appropriate for walk watercourse. For the matter of carrying capability, payload capability of three tons once driving ashore, whereas ready to carry up to five tons once driving on water.
Problem drive system, whereas swimming the K-61 relied on 2 items of huge propellor, with every having three blade propellor. Location of this propellor is underneath the ramp. With these 2 propellor, K-61 capable of driving up to ten kilometer per hour within the water. Well, however it performs once ashore, K-61 will go up to a most speed of thirty six kilometer per hour with seven little steel wheels. room runway K-61 internal-combustion engine thrust upon YaAZ-M204VKr 4-cylinder with water cooling. Fuel capability is 260 liters, and K-61 will cowl a distance of up to 260 kilometer. To subsume rough parcel of land, K-61 will hit the obstacle vertical fifteen degrees.
Navy US Marine Corps visible in many exercises victimisation K-61 as a mode of transport mortar cannon LG-1 MK II 105mm. The country itself erst used as a carrier of K-61 122 millimeter mortar M1938 (M-30), GAZ-63 truck, and a range of huge caliber mortar. aside from that, the K-61 is additionally reliable for non-war military operations, one K-61 has conjointly been seen once employed in humanitarian missions in Nanggroe Aceh tidal wave Darussalam (NAD) 2005 The crew of the K-61 itself solely consists of two personnel , the commander and driver. (Haryo Adjie Nogo Seno)
 Specifications K-61 Dimensions: nine.15 x 3.15 x 2.15 meters Weight in water: nine.550Kg Weight on land: twelve.550Kg Engine: diesel YaAZ-M204VKr 4-cylinder cool a hundred thirty five power unit at 2000 rev Max speed: 10km per hour (in water) / 36km per hour (on land) Max range: 260kmste your text here and click on "Next" to observe this text redact do it's issue. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014


When observed, the weapon system options the Navy Marine Corps partially oriented Eastern Europe, not just talk the history since the 60s, but rather present ranpur renewal, such as BVP-2 and BMP-3F also from Eastern Europe, precisely Slovakia and Russia. As if to continue the tradition, ranpur future generations of Marine Corps also declared parts of Eastern Europe, Ukraine glance at precisely this time, the Soviet state champion in the heavy equipment industry.

Although as of this writing amid political turmoil in Ukraine, but the fame of defense equipment development in Ukraine is still fairly taken into account, one of them through design ranpur BTR (Bronetransporter) -4 Kharkiv Morozov Machine manufactured Building Design Bureau (SOE KMDB). BTR-4 takes the base platform APC (Armoured personnel carrier) aka armored personnel transport. BTR-4 can be classified as an armored with 8 × 8 wheel drive. Referring of zoom, armored design is apparently the fruit blend design and BTR-80A APC German, TPz Fuchs. Where both are also relying ranpur 8 × 8 wheel drive and have amphibious capabilities.

Navy Marine Corps had a deep impression on the wheel ranpur figure 8 × 8, despite the evidence only has 12 units BTR-80A were purchased from Russia, but the BTR-80A is so reliable to support the military mission in mechanical battalion contingent of UN peacekeepers in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Then the news continues from Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio comments, as quoted from the site, "At this early stage in lieu of PT-76 will be brought in as many as 55 units of BTR-4. Thus the Marine Corps will have the one battalion ranpur BTR-4. In the Strategic Plan two and three will add one Battalion BTR-4 ", says Navy chief of staff.

Navy chief of staff responding to comments, many people then questioned why the chain wheel as tanks PT-76 replaced ranpur wheeler tires? Plus platform BTR-4 is APC. Apart from that, please note the BTR-4 is presented in several variants, ranging from variants of personnel transport, reconnaissance command, ambulance, up to 120 mm canon version. In their home country, the BTR-4 rely more famous as the IFV (infantry fighting vehicle). So far, it is unclear what will be adopted variants of the Marine Corps. Although if illogical, when their human war replacing the PT-76 is equipped with a 90 mm ​​cannon Cockerill, the Marine Corps should also get penggebuk BTR-4 variant that has fire power with the support of cannon caliber is.

Based on information released by the manufacturer, the BTR-4 consists of variants:

- BTR-4K
Command is a variant which is equipped with a 30 mm cannon and coaxial machine gun 7.62 mm caliber. Manned by 7 people (commander, driver, gunner canon, and 4 infantry personnel). This variant is also supported by a fairly sophisticated communication devices. The command variant weights 20.2 tons.

- BTR-4Ksh
A variant of command and staff vehicle transportation. A weight of 18.5 tons with 7 crew (commander, driver, mechanic, and 4 staff). This vehicle is equipped with multiple communication devices supporting combat operations, call it T-173M radio sets, R-173PM radio receivers, radio sets R-163-50K, R-KP-163 radio receivers, the R-159 radio sets, radio Severok-K sets, AVSK-1 crew intercom system, oral and written information cryptographic protection equipment, TA-57-U telephone sets, telephone TK-2 spool. While there Tius navigation device-NM satellite navigation systems, Inertial navigation support system, and SN-3003 Bazalt portable satellite navigation system support. Supports the observation in battle, is equipped armored binoculars and long-distance night vision devices. 
In this variant is only equipped with a heavy machine gun TKB-caliber 12.7mm 01-1.

- BRM-4K
A reconnaissance variant, manned by six personnel (commander, driver, gunner canon, navigators, and two-person observer). As a reconnaissance variant, the crew of observers equipped device TKN-3MU combined day / night periscopic binocular. As the main weapon that is 30 mm cannon. The weight of this variant is 20.7 tons.

- Brem-4K
A repair and recovery vehicle variant. A weight 19 tons. The crew consists of four people (commander, driver, rigger and welder / welding). To support its mission, armored vehicles equipped with cranes that have this can handle the weight of 3 tons. In addition there is a winch with a cable that can draw weight of 6.8 tons. For repair facilities, no welding ability and equipment towing vehicle (towing).

An ambulance variant weighs 18.6 tonnes. The crew consisted of 3 (commander, driver, and a medical officer).

- MPO-4K
The most frightening is a variant of the BTR-4 family. With a weight of 21 tons, equipped with a 120 mm caliber cannon that can hit the MBT (main battle tank). Besides also equipped with SMB (heavy machine gun) caliber 12.7 mm. Capacity 120 mm cannon can carry 40 amunis, while SMB 12.7 mm have a stock of up to 450 bullets. This variant manned 4 (commander, driver, gunner, and loader ammunition)

A variant equipped combat BAU module 23 x 2, consists of a double-barreled cannon caliber 23 mm and 7.62 mm caliber machine guns. Canon operates coaxial. Canon 23 mm caliber ammunition can load 400 and 7.62 mm machine gun with 2,000 rounds of ammunition. Besides commander, driver and gunner, this variant can carry 8 infantry.
BTR-4 BAU was swimming.

- Module shkval
Similar to variants of the BTR-4 BAU, just replaced the module alloy dome with 30 mm cannon with 360 ammunition, 30-caliber automatic grenade launcher with 150 mm ammunition, and a 7.62 mm caliber machine guns with 2,000 rounds of ammunition. In the dome also contained two anti-tank missiles 9P135M Konkurs. 7
This variant can also carry 8 infantry.

- GROM Module
The combination of weapons on the dome similar to shkval Module, only at GROM module anti-tank missile launcher hardpoints Konkurs 9P135M there are 4 units. This variant can also carry 8 infantry.
BTR-4 GROM module

BTR-4 GROM module

Basically, the core crew of BTR-4 no 3, the commander, driver and gunner. In the version of the APC, can carry up to a maximum of 9 infantry personnel. Well, about the number of infantry personnel that can be brought very dependent on modules mounted weapons. Format module and a selection of weapons mounted, can be formulated based on the true customer demand state.

When observed from architectures, BTR-4 consists of 3 main compartments. Compartment into the front area of ​​the rider and the commander. While the center of the compartment reserved for the engine and transmission devices. And, the rear compartment is designed as an area for deployment.

Infantry personnel in and out through the door behind the two doors, this model makes more sheltered troops during the battle. In addition, infantry can also go through the roof exit hatches, as well as to provide fire support when needed. For the commander and driver's position on the front, provided the door for entry and exit on the right and left.

For the protection element, the entire body layer BTR-4 is able to withstand the brunt of 7.62 mm caliber projectile and the rest of the artillery projectile fragments, including the driver's window glass. At the front, reinforced protection by being able to withstand 12.7 mm caliber projectile. BTR-4 is also designed ledadakan able to withstand the effects of anti-tank mines weighing 6 kg. In particular mission, the BTR-4 can also be paired anti NBK equipment (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection for the crew.

In terms of power, the BTR-4 carrying the standard diesel engine with two-step KMDB 3TD. This machine can produce maximum power of 500HP. In addition, the BTR-4 can also be fitted with Deutz diesel engine with four-step EBPO III, the performance of this machine can produce power up to 598HP.

Still Lacking Order
The figure of BTR-4 was first shown to the public in June 2006 at the exhibition Aviasvit near the city of Kiev, capital of Ukraine. While testing the ability amfibinya Production was completed in January 2007 BTR-4 is a new commercial start in 2008 after the approval of Kementrerian KMDB Defense of Ukraine. Since the BTR-4 began to receive orders on a limited basis from AD Ukraine.

By the manufacturer, the BTR-4 is designed with a modular system, and is prepared to 'friendly' to the adoption of the desired weapon consumer choice. Besides ogled by Indonesia, in fact the new BTR-4 is used by Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Iraq. Iraq ordered 420 BTR in various variants at the end of 2009 Some shipments wave BTR-4 has been done to Iraq, but there is news that is less fun than (29/12/2013), stated on December 27, 2013, there were 40 BTR- 4 were sent back to Ukraine prior to release of the vessel, the article of the Iraqi ranpur less satisfied with the quality of this.
BTR-4 Specifications
Country of origin: Ukraine
Manufacturing: Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau
Weight: 17.5 to 25 tonnes (depending on variant)
Engine: 3TD diesel engine
Suspension: 8 × 8
Max mileage: 690 km
Max speed: 110 km / h on highways and 10 km / h in water


The impact of war always brings misery for the victims, but on the other hand, war can be a sweet fruit for the defense industry, because the products are created through peranglah can get an effective promo moment. As shown by the example Rantis by Thales Australia Bushmaster. Kangaroo Foreign military involvement in the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan, apparently bringing a distinct advantage for Rantis that having a 4 × 4's.  

As is known, the pattern of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan led to the rise of IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device). IEDs became the most dangerous homemade weapons, the article by using mortar shells to artillery projectiles that can be assembled to create explosive power dahysat, IED inevitably be a frightening specter, and the conductor of the deadly weapon known as the most popular for the United States and NATO forces. Explosions coming from the bottom of instantly able to kill or at least damage the soldier's body. As a result of an IED, made many many NATO troops morale is falling.

 Recognizing the proliferation of mines and IEDs were sown on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, then encourage the emergence of a trend MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) since 2007 Although the true concept applied MRAP's been a long time, as popularized by South African-made Casspir Rantis. Bushmaster itself become part of some brands MRAP operated in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Call it a success, as sales of Bushmaster is now approaching a total order of 1,000 units. In addition to 'mount' the Australian military, Bushmaster is also used by the UK, Netherlands, Japan, Jamaica, and Indonesia.  

Naturally so attractive, why Indonesia which was heavily armored building Rantis, such as dragons Pindad family, but still have to buy a Bushmaster, plus Rantis bought it from Australia who incidentally often raise a problem with Indonesia. Regardless of politics, certainly could not hurt to adopt Rantis the battle proven, calculated for technology updates. Problem Rantis resistant mine explosion, it was not something foreign to the military. Since 2004, Sat Gultor Army Special Forces already operate a fleet Casspir MK3.  

Well, equip MRAP force, Kopassus is now going by the arrival of the Bushmaster PMV pabrikanya referred to as (Protected Mobility Vehicle). Not many bought Bushmaster Indonesia, only 3 units to complete a special unit. 

 There are several key points so you are the Bushmaster, lining talk steel example, protection is at the core of strength Bushmaster. Rantis steel layer is made of super hard steel material made Bisalloy company based in the Illawarra, Australia. Bisalloy artificial processed steel desulfurization method and vacuum degassing to remove sulfur, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen to obtain bisalloy molecules. Guaranteed up to 7.62 mm caliber projectile will not be able to penetrate the armor, so even layer of glass, is also able to withstand the brunt of the 7.62 mm projectile.

When the unlucky fate struck, the landmine Rantis, the Bushmaster is well prepared to withstand the blast impact. This capability thanks to the monocoque body Bushmaster is formed integrally from top to bottom. At the bottom, the body forming a sharp angle aka V-hull, so that when viewed at a glance like a cross-section of the vehicle's original water droplets. V shape at the bottom of the chassis is the secret key to reflect the effects of a mine explosion to the side, not all the energy blast sehinggs penetrate into the upper deck, as a result the risk of injury to crew and passengers could be reduced. 

When the explosion occurred under the vehicle, the victim is usually a tire or wheel vehicles apart due to the explosion energy thrust. To that end, Bushmaster fitted spare tire mounted on the rear right side of the vehicle. Another effect is the inevitable shock to the crew of the vehicle, due to the high shock. 

So comfort Priorities Bushmaster is designed to carry out patrols and combat missions remotely. Equipped with a large fuel tank on the left side, under the commander of the window, then this Rantis hinggs can travel a distance of 1,000 km or prepared in a three-day assignment scenario. In order to support remote operations, the passenger comfort is an important concern, his form with the adoption of a double wishbone independent suspension made Meritor / Timoney. The load capacity is 7.7 tons setisp axis or exceed the total capacity of Bushmaster. The crew in it also adequately protected, the suspension is able to withstand the impact explosion HE (high explosive) with 9.5 kg of TNT equivalent. For air conditioning, large sizes available with double blower system.

The joy again, under the floor of the vehicle, the passenger cabin is no water bladder tank that comes from the air conditioning cooling system with a capacity of 270 liters. Refrigerated box is able to flow through the cool water dispenser for its passengers. Other benefits, water is collected in the bladder into the second shield in the event of an explosion under the vehicle.

Adding to the comfort, size headroom created reach a height of 1,415 mm, people who have high stature was not to be bowed head while sitting in the cabin Bushmaster. Each soldier or a passenger sitting in individual seats that face to face, the chair itself is supplied by Stratos. Each seat is equipped with an ergonomically designed seat belt. At the bottom of the seat, added a canvas bag for storing spare ammunition, medical equipment, and a box of bullets. 

Talk about the interior, from the passenger area and the area is not limited steering bulkhead, so that passengers can feel the situational awarness of view of the driver and commander. On the left and right side of the vehicle there are two windows for passengers. As with the other armored ranpur, glass can not be lowered, alias already dipantek in steel frames. Problem comfort Bushmaster, has been recognized by Kopassus personnel. 

For the engine, which weighs 10 tons Bushmaster equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine with a Caterpillar 3126E ATAAC days 330hp / 246 kW at 2,400 rpm of torque. Engine turbocharger carrying ZF automatic transmission. With a ratio of weight versus power reaches 30-33hp per ton, it is easy for Bushmaster drove up to a speed of 110 miles per hour on the pavement, or the maximum speed up to 120 km per hour. "Bushmaster is more agile than Casspir owned by my current unit. Bushmaster machine is also much stronger and operating control system feels so much lighter. Bushmaster is also equipped with air conditioning and seats much more comfortable to sit on, "said Serda Supriyanto of Kopassus Unit 81, quoted from the site Ikahan.

In order to support specific tasks, Bushmaster comes with two luggage storage racks. The one on the right side, right after the entrance, and one on the left side, behind the commander seat. Communication devices become a vital element in Rantis advanced into battle, to the Thales Bushmaster SOTAS M2 equipped with radios that have multimedia capabilities. The sophistication of these radios as capable of transferring data, voice, and video between vehicle to vehicle, or from the vehicle to the headquarters. Thales SOTAS M2 equipped with anti-noise filter to present jernjh communication and quality. The sophistication of these radios can also be connected to the LAN (local area network).

Concoction of weapons that can be mounted on a Bushmaster caliber machine guns include a combination of 5.56 mm, 7.62 mm, 12.7 mm heavy machine guns, and grenades pekontar caliber 40 mm. In the standard version, adoption is still conventional weapons, which is operated directly by the gunner. However Bushmaster weapons systems has increased the ability of criticism after the arrival of Australian troops in Iraq. 

In keterlibatanya in Iraq and Afghanistan, not infrequently gunner who became an easy target for opponents projectile in the gun battle. Although it has been equipped with vests and plate (shield), still above the waist area is often exposed to hot lead sniper. As a solution to use technology PWS (Protected Weapon System) by Thales / EOS. With PWS code Swarm (Stabilized Weapon and Reconnaissance Mount). It is a weapon system that is controlled from inside the vehicle, and able to accommodate various types of weapons, ranging from the caliber 5.56 mm, 7.62 mm, 12.7 mm, and 40 mm grenade launcher. The system is equipped tower a motor to rotate the direction of weapons and equipped with steel plates that can withstand 7.62 mm bullets impact. Control console in the form of a color LCD. 

The LCD screen is connected with thermal-based optical and NV (night vision) on the right side of the tower axis. Shooting is also equipped with a stabilization technology that allows shooting while the vehicle is in motion slowly. Australia and the Netherlands ordered this system with order 44 units to 17 units for Australia and the Netherlands. Configuration weapon is mounted Browning M2HB heavy machine gun. At first glance a similar system with RCWS (Remote Control Weapon System), adopted in the prototype APC tank AMX-13 and KMC Army Command. 

Long before his name famous in Afghanistan, Bushmaster true wara Wiri in East Timor in 1999, the Bushmaster used by INTERFET to bring rombingan VIP / VVIP. Back in business mobility, the ability of air traffic has also been taken into account by the manufacturer, and Bushmaster can be held with class heavy transport aircraft C-130 Hercules. Aircraft types which became the backbone of many titles in a variety of Air Force air operations.

Facing the most severe extreme environments in Indonesia, it was not really a problem, because Bushmaster equipped with CTIS technology (Centra Tire Inflation System) which is able to increase or decrease the air pressure in each tire with just a touch of a finger on the steering wheel buttons. CTIS is helpful to optimize the speed of vehicles on any terrain. Such terrain vehicle stuck in mud or vanish, it will automatically wind pressure can be reduced to increase the traction on the surface and reduce overall stress. 

Not so long ago, carried Bushmaster Driver and Technician Training 24 to 28 February 2014 Following the purchase of three units of four-wheeled ranpur by Thales Australia by the Army, 'Bushmaster' Protected Mobility Vehicle (PMV) at the end of 2013, technical training and education for 25 controllers and technicians of the Special Forces and the Army Corps of equipment held in Mako Kopassus Cipatat and PMPP (Center for Peacekeeping Missions), Sentul. Assisted by three spokeswoman, there are three Australian coach of the Combined Arms Training Centre (CATC), Puckapunyal, sent from Australia to provide training to help Special Forces and the Army Corps equipment to be able to utilize the facility to the maximum Bushmaster PMV.  

The exercise had even a brief format covering all aspects of the operation and maintenance ranpur Bushmaster, ranging from the introduction of the characteristics of the vehicle, daily maintenance, electronic systems, fuel and engine cooling. Participants were also given training in how to safely mengandeng striking vehicle and also how to drive a Bushmaster ranpur at high speed safely.
 specifications Bushmaster Dimensions: 7,180 x 2,480 x 2,650 mm Weight: 15,400 kg Engine: Caterpillar 3126E 200I 6-cylinder turbocharged 330hp @ 2,400 rpm power Transmission: ZF 6HP5 ECOMAT G2 with 6 forward gears and 1 reverse gear Suspension: independent progressive AxieTech 4000 Configuration: 4 × 4 Crew: 1 + 9 Vertical Barriers: 460 mm Cross puddle: 1,200 mm without preparation Power steering: power assisted shepard Tires: Michelin 395/85 R20 low MPP Max speed: 120 km / h Fuel capacity: 300 liters Mileage: 800-1000 km